Gaganyaan Mission

ISRO announced recently that it will conduct first test flight of Gaganyaan mission on 21st October this year.

What is Gaganyaan?

This is India’s first crewed space mission, where ISRO is planning to launch a crew of three astronauts to an orbit of 400 km (250 miles)

Photo Credit: ISRO


Three astonauts will remain in space for three days before landing in Indian waters at Bay of Bengal.

Orbital Module

Gaganyaan will consist of two parts, the crew module (CM) and the service module (SM), which together will form the orbital module.

Abort Mission -1 (TV-D1)

As per Latest announcement, Preparations for the Flight Test Vehicle Abort Mission-1 (TV-D1), which demonstrates the performance of the Crew Escape System, are underway.

Pic Credit: ISRO

Main objectives includes "Test Recovery aid actuation systems.", "Test Crew Escape System (CES)", "Test Drogue parachutes" required to slow down the spacecraft during reentry.

Test Flight - Mission Objectives

Interested to read about space science?? You can read our series of articles on Chandrayaan-3, where things are explaned in simple manner. You can click link below:


What do you know about ISS?? You can watch web story "Fascinating Facts about the International Space Station" on the link below:

International Space Station