Solar Eclipse

A Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon moves in front of the sun, blocking all or part of the sun's light for observers on earth.

Annular Solar Eclipse

Annular eclipses happen when the Moon is at farthest  point from Earth in its elliptical orbit. Moon's  apparent size is smaller than that of the Sun, resulting in the  ring-like appearance.

Ring of Fire

During this eclipse, the Moon does not completely cover  the Sun, leaving a bright ring or annulus of sunlight around the dark  silhouette of the Moon.


Annular eclipses are relatively short-lived compared to total solar  eclipses. The maximum duration of an annular eclipse is typically a few  minutes.

Safety Precautions

Just like solar eclipse, it is essential to take  precautions when viewing an annular eclipse. Staring at the Sun without  proper eye protection can cause serious eye damage


Annular solar eclipses are less common than partial and total eclipses.  On average, they occur somewhere on Earth every 18 months or so.

14th October'23

On Oct. 14, 2023, an annular solar eclipse will cross North, Central,  and South America. Visible in parts Mexico, and  many countries in South and Central America.

Bennu Asteroid

Interested in space news?? Heard about Bennu Asteroids? Watch web story "Asteroid Threat Looms with Force of 22 Atomic Bombs" on the link below: