Zika virus is a mosquito-borne virus first identified in Uganda in 1947 in a Rhesus macaque monkey.  First evidence of infection in humans found in the 1950s 

Zika Virus

Aedes Mosquitoes

Zika virus is transmitted primarily by Aedes mosquitoes, which bite mostly during the day.

Symptoms of Zika

Most people do not develop symptoms; those who do typically have symptoms including rash, fever, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain, malaise and headache that last for 2–7 days.

Alert during Pregnancy!!!

Zika virus infection during pregnancy can cause infants to be born with microcephaly and other congenital malformations as well as preterm birth and miscarriage.

Guillain-Barré syndrome

Zika virus infection can also cause Guillain-Barré syndrome, neuropathy and myelitis, particularly in adults and older children.


Other than mosquitoes, virus is also transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy, through sexual contact, transfusion of blood, and possibly through organ transplantation.


No vaccine is yet available for the prevention or treatment of Zika. People with symptoms should get plenty of rest, drink fluids, and treat symptoms with antipyretics and/or analgesics.

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