How to download e-Aadhaar? Know your E-Aadhaar..

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What is Aadhar?

Aadhaar is 12-digit number that is provided by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).  Various details such as iris scans, fingerprints, and photographs are linked to the Aadhaar Card to preserve its uniqueness. It serves as a proof of identity and address and has become a vital document in various government and private transactions, such as DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) program of GoI to identify beneficiaries of government schemes.

e-Aadhar, a digital version of the Aadhar card, has emerged as a powerful tool in India’s journey towards digital transformation. e-Aadhar, as the electronic counterpart of Aadhar, is equally important and is transforming the way services are accessed and delivered.

Biometrix Man Woman Scan

How to download e-Aadhaar?

Most of the citizens doesn’t know ‘How to download e-Aadhaar?’. Getting an e-Aadhar is a straightforward process. Individuals can apply for it both online and offline. To apply online, one must visit the official UIDAI website and follow the instructions to request a digital copy ( ). Alternatively, one can visit the nearest Aadhar enrollment center and apply offline.

How to download e-Aadhaar

Features and Security of e-Aadhar:

e-Aadhar carries the same unique identification number (UID) and biometric data as the physical Aadhar card, making it equally valid and secure. Biometric authentication ensures that the digital identity is linked to the real person, reducing the chances of fraud. Additionally, robust data protection measures are in place to safeguard individuals’ sensitive information, instilling trust in the system.

Earlier most of the organizations and individuals were not accepting E-Adhaar as valid proof of documents, so GoI has issued a circular on dated 28th April 2017 clarifying its validity. You can read the circular here:

Features of e-Aadhaar

e-Aadhar and Digital India Initiative:

e-Aadhar plays a pivotal role in the government’s ambitious Digital India initiative. By promoting paperless transactions and digital services, it has reduced the burden of paperwork and made processes more efficient. Citizens can now access various government services, including subsidies and benefits, with ease, irrespective of their location, promoting inclusivity and accessibility.

e-Aadhar and Financial Inclusion:

The integration of e-Aadhar with financial services has revolutionized banking in India. It serves as a crucial KYC (Know Your Customer) document, simplifying the account opening process. This has brought millions of unbanked individuals into the formal banking system, fostering financial inclusion and increasing access to credit and insurance services.

e-Aadhar and Healthcare

e-Aadhar has also found application in the healthcare sector. With its integration into health systems, individuals can now access their medical records digitally, enabling quick and seamless medical services. Moreover, e-Aadhar ensures the confidentiality and security of personal health data, encouraging people to trust and adopt digital healthcare solutions.

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You can also create your ABHA (Ayushman Bharat Health Account) on the link:

e-Aadhar and E-Governance

The advent of e-Aadhar has significantly contributed to improving e-governance in India. Various government services, such as applying for passports or availing social welfare schemes, have been streamlined and made more accessible through e-Aadhar authentication. This has not only reduced paperwork but also enhanced transparency and accountability in government processes.

Curbing Leakages through Targeted Delivery:

The authentication provided by UIDAI are beneficial for all the citizens availing the social welfare schemes where beneficiaries must be verified prior to service delivery. As a result, leakages are reduced, and only the intended recipients are receiving the required services. For example, the supply of subsidised food and kerosene to Public Distribution System (PDS) recipients, the participation of MGNREGS recipients at work sites, etc.

Improving Efficiency and Efficacy:

With the Aadhaar platform providing accurate and transparent information about the service delivery mechanism, government can improve disbursement systems and utilize its development funds more effectively and efficiently.

Challenges and Concerns

While e-Aadhar has brought about remarkable advancements, it also faces some challenges. Data breaches and security risks are primary concerns, as they can compromise individuals’ privacy and lead to identity theft. Additionally, ensuring inclusiveness remains a challenge, especially in rural areas where technological awareness may be limited.

Data Stealing

Future of e-Aadhar

Looking ahead, e-Aadhar is poised to play a more significant role in India’s digital landscape. With ongoing technological advancements, the scope of e-Aadhar’s applications is likely to expand further. The government should continue to invest in digital infrastructure to ensure a seamless and inclusive digital experience for all citizens.


e-Aadhar has emerged as a game-changer in India’s digital journey. With its unique identification features, seamless integration with services, and robust security measures, it has simplified various aspects of life for Indian residents. While challenges exist, the transformative potential of e-Aadhar cannot be overlooked. As we move forward, embracing and enhancing e-Aadhar services will pave the way for a truly digital and empowered India.


Q1: Is e-Aadhar as valid as the physical Aadhar card?

A1: Yes, e-Aadhar carries the same validity and serves as a valid proof of identity and address.

Q2: Can I apply for e-Aadhar online?

A2: Yes, you can apply for e-Aadhar online through the official UIDAI website.

Q3: When I link my bank accounts, shares, mutual funds and my mobile phones with Aadhaar, will UIDAI not get this information?

A3: Absolutely not. When you give your Aadhaar number to banks, mutual fund companies, and mobile phone companies, for authentication of identity they only send your Aadhaar number along with your encrypted biometrics or OTP  (given for authentication),  or demographic details like your name, etc., No account details are shared with UIDAI.

After ‘Yes’ response from your side, UIDAI shares only basic KYC details (name, address, photo etc.)

Q4: Whether is it possible to hack my bank account, just by knowing my Aadhaar number?

Absolutely not. It is just like, no one can withdraw money from the ATM machine, just by knowing ATM card number; similarly by knowing Adhaar number alone, it is impossible to hack bank account and withdraw money.

Your bank account is safe unless you share your PIN/OTP given by banks.

Aadhaar number alone cannot be used for banking or any other service.

Q5: How does e-Aadhar promote financial inclusion?

A5: JAM Trinity- (Jan Dhan, Aadhar, and Mobile) is a tool used by the government to transfer cash benefits directly to the bank account of the beneficiary. By simplifying the KYC process, e-Aadhar enables the unbanked population to access formal financial services, encouragement financial inclusion.

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