Pune Chilling Forecast: Pune to Experience Significant Dip in Minimum Temperature For Next 4 Days!

Pune to Experience Significant Dip in Minimum Temperature For Next 4 Days

Pune to Experience Significant Dip in Minimum Temperature: Pune is bracing for a significant drop in minimum temperature over the next four days as cold winds from the North make their way into the state. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a forecast indicating that Pune and its surrounding regions might witness a slight rise in temperature post February 9.

Impact of Western Disturbance

Currently, a western disturbance, characterized by moisture-carrying cold winds that often bring rains and snow, is active in the northern parts of the country. Consequently, Maharashtra is expected to experience an influx of cold winds starting from Monday, leading to a noticeable dip in the minimum temperature. Pune is anticipated to witness a drop of approximately 4 degrees below the normal range for minimum temperatures.


Pune Weather Conditions and Effects on Temperature

Pune to Experience Significant Dip in Minimum Temperature: Due to the absence of active weather systems, Pune is forecasted to have clear skies with some haze in the morning. The clear skies are likely to intensify the drop in temperature, resulting in a chillier feel across the city. Consequently, Pune may feel even colder than the recorded temperature suggests.

Pic Courtesy: IMD Mumbai

Unusual Winter Patterns

Pune’s winter season has been characterized by temperatures higher than usual, primarily due to the lack of cold winds from the north. The lowest temperature of the season was recorded during the last week of January when it dipped below 10 degrees Celsius. While cloudy skies initially contributed to increased minimum temperatures, the anticipated clear skies are expected to bring about a drop in temperature.

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Pune Weather Forecast

After February 9, IMD’s forecast suggests the possibility of increased moisture in Pune and Maharashtra, which could lead to a further rise in temperature. However, the current focus remains on the imminent dip in temperatures over the next four days, as Pune prepares for cooler conditions brought by the incursion of cold winds.

Mumbai Weather Tomorrow 6 February 2024

Mumbai 48 hrs Weather Forecast: Mainly clear sky, as predicted by IMD, Mumbai.

Temperature in Mumbai City & Suburbs is expected slightly deep during day as well as night time and overall temperature expected to remain cool.

Maximum & Minimum temperatures for 48 hrs: Maximum & Minimum temperatures likely to be around 33 deg. C and 18 deg. C

Weather Mumbai Update: 7 Days Forecast

For next seven days, there found no any substantial deviation in minimum and maximum temperature in Mumbai.

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Average Minimum temperature for next 7 days is expected to be around 19 degrees C.

Average Maximum temperature for next 7 days is expected to be around 30 degrees C. IMD

Pic Courtesy: IMD Mumbai

Mumbai AQI Level Today 5 February 2024

AQI level of Mira Mumbai is expected remain 152, which is considered as Very Unhealthy.

AQI between 150 to 249 considered as Unhealthy. Health effects will be immediately felt by sensitive groups and should avoid outdoor activity. Healthy individuals are likely to experience difficulty breathing and throat irritation; consider staying indoors and rescheduling outdoor activities.

Mumbai Sunrise And Sunset Time Tomorrow 6 February 2024

Mumbai Sunrise Timing Tomorrow:- 07:12 hrs

Mumbai Sunset Timing Tomorrow:- 18:34 hrs


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