Delhi Earthquake: Delhi Shaken by Second Earthquake in Nepal in 3 Days, Understanding the Vulnerability

Delhi Earthquake

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In the heart of South Asia, Nepal has long been at the mercy of its restless tectonic plates, making it one of the most earthquake-prone regions globally. This vulnerability came to the forefront once again when an earthquake of magnitude 5.6 on the Richter scale jolted Nepal on a fateful Monday evening. The repercussions of this seismic event were not contained within Nepal’s borders, as tremors reverberated all the way to Delhi-NCR, marking the second such incident in just three days.

Delhi Earthquake

Nepal, nestled in a region known for its seismic activity, found itself in the throes of another earthquake. With a magnitude of 5.6 on the Richter scale, the tremors sent shockwaves through the nation. This occurrence was a double blow, as Nepal was still reeling from a devastating earthquake on November 3 that claimed the lives of 153 people. The aftershocks of that fateful day continued to haunt the region, and this latest quake was another unsettling reminder of the region’s geological instability.

The quake did not spare the Indian capital, Delhi, and its surrounding National Capital Region. Reports came flooding in, describing the unease that rippled through the city as furniture shook and the ground quivered. It was a stark reminder of how interconnected our world is, even in the face of natural disasters.

You can see more details of Seismic Zoning map of the country on the link: PIB Seismic Zone Map

Nepal Earthquake

The recent earthquake in Nepal struck at 4:14 PM in a location eerily similar to the one where a magnitude 6.4 earthquake had struck on November 3. This earlier earthquake had taken a toll of around 155 lives, leaving the Himalayan country in mourning. The sheer power of the November 3 earthquake was enough to make it the deadliest in Nepal since the catastrophic event of 2015.

Nepal’s geographical location leaves it perched in one of the world’s most active tectonic zones, characterized as seismic zones IV and V. These zones are hotbeds for geological activity, making Nepal particularly susceptible to earthquakes. The terrain’s tumultuous history is further underlined by the fact that this is the third earthquake to strike Nepal in just four days.

The depth at which Monday’s earthquake hit was approximately 10 kilometers, as recorded by the National Center for Seismology. This brings into sharp focus the precarious state of the region, as seismic activity at such a shallow depth tends to have more significant surface impacts.

Delhi, located at a considerable distance from the epicenter, still felt the tremors of this earthquake. The intensity of these aftershocks was enough to alarm residents, and the shaking persisted for a full 10 seconds.

Sanjay Kumar Prajapati, a scientist at the National Centre for Seismology, emphasized that this earthquake was a direct consequence of the November 3 event, characterizing it as an aftershock. In the wake of major earthquakes, aftershocks are an anticipated occurrence, each serving as a somber reminder of the region’s seismic volatility.

Nepal Earthquake: Revised Death Toll

Nepal’s ordeal was compounded by the revision of the death toll from the earlier magnitude 6.4 earthquake, which had struck the western parts of the country. Initially reported at 157 casualties, this number has now been adjusted to 153. This adjustment was made due to the discovery of duplicate names in the records, as reported by PTI. The epicenter of this earthquake was Jajarkot, where 105 deaths were originally reported. The Rukum West district also experienced losses, initially estimated at 52.

However, it is noteworthy that the District Administration Office in Jajarkot has revised the death toll in the district to 101. The revision brings some clarity, but the underlying tragedy remains unchanged. The memory of the November 3 earthquake and its aftermath is etched in the collective consciousness of Nepal, a nation residing in one of the world’s most active tectonic zones.


In conclusion, the seismic events that have recently unfolded in Nepal serve as a stark reminder of the vulnerability of regions situated near tectonic plate boundaries. The interconnectedness of these areas means that even distant cities like Delhi can feel the repercussions of such geological occurrences. It is imperative for both Nepal and its neighboring regions to remain vigilant and prepared for future seismic events in the face of the Earth’s relentless tectonic activity.

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