China Earthquake Update: Gansu Province Struck by Deadly Tremors on 18 December!

China Earthquake Update

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Tragedy Strikes Gansu Province

In a devastating turn of events, Gansu province in north-west China experienced its deadliest earthquake in years, claiming the lives of at least 127 people. The quake, measuring 6.2 in magnitude, struck around midnight on Monday, affecting not only Gansu but also shaking the neighboring Qinghai region.

China Earthquake Gansu Province
Pic Credit: Twitter

China Earthquake Update: President Xi Jinping Mobilizes Rescue Efforts

Chinese President Xi Jinping swiftly responded to the crisis, ordering thousands of rescue crews to the affected region, one of the poorest and most diverse in China. The tragic incident marks the deadliest earthquake in the country since 2014 when over 600 lives were lost in south-western Yunnan province.

Chilling Conditions and Human Stories Emerge

China Earthquake Update: As the rescue efforts unfold, reports indicate that more than 700 people have been injured, with temperatures dropping to -13°C (8.7°F) on Tuesday. Heart-wrenching stories emerge from survivors who likened the tremors to “being tossed by surging waves,” prompting many to flee their homes. Evacuation camps with makeshift fires witnessed residents seeking refuge from the icy conditions.

China Earthquake Region
Pic Credit: Twitter
Rescue efforts are hampered by disrupted power and water supplies across the region. The urgency to rescue people is heightened by sub-zero temperatures, with limited time before conditions become unbearable. Blue Sky Rescue Team, China’s largest non-governmental humanitarian organization, emphasizes the dire situation and expects casualty numbers to rise. 

Widespread Destruction Captured on TV and Social Media

Footage aired on state TV and circulated on social media revealed the aftermath of the quake, with entire villages split, and buildings and houses reduced to rubble. The remote Jishishan county in Gansu province bore the brunt, reporting over 5,000 damaged buildings. Landslides triggered by the quake added to the chaos, damaging numerous roads across the province.

Authorities attribute the extensive damage to poor building quality in the affected villages, where many structures are old and made of clay. Mudslides and landslides have further compounded the destruction, posing challenges to rescue operations.

Ethnically Diverse Gansu Province

Situated between the Tibetan and Loess plateaus, Gansu is known for its ethnic diversity and is one of China’s economically disadvantaged regions. The quake’s epicenter was in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, home to various Chinese Muslim groups, including the Hui, Bonan, Dongxiang, and Salar people.

Richter Scale Discrepancy

China Earthquake Update: Chinese authorities reported a magnitude of 6.2 on the Richter scale, while the US Geological Survey (USGS) recorded a magnitude of 5.9 with a depth of 10km (6 miles). A series of aftershocks have followed, adding to the challenges faced by local authorities.

China’s Earthquake-Prone Geography

China, located in a seismically active region where several tectonic plates converge, is particularly susceptible to earthquakes. The 2010 earthquake in Yushu, Qinghai province, and the devastating 2008 Sichuan earthquake serve as grim reminders of the nation’s vulnerability to seismic events.

Humanitarian Efforts in Sub-Zero Conditions

China Earthquake Update: The Blue Sky Rescue Team, comprising more than 30,000 volunteers across China, faces immense challenges in their mission to rescue survivors. Chief Commander Wang Yi stated, “It is too cold to bear… it’s -15C [here],” emphasizing the urgency of the situation. The sub-zero temperatures make it imperative to act swiftly and efficiently to minimize casualties.

Mr. Wang expects the number of casualties to climb as rescue teams delve deeper into the rubble. The team, equipped with expertise in humanitarian aid, emphasizes the need for concerted efforts to navigate the difficult conditions and reach those in distress.

The Resilience of Gansu’s Communities

As President Xi urges exhaustive search and rescue efforts, the people of Gansu province grapple with the aftermath of this tragic earthquake, underlining the fragility of life in the face of natural disasters. The coming days will reveal the extent of the impact and the resilience of the affected communities as they rebuild amidst the adversity.

Global Support and Solidarity

In times of crisis, the global community often extends its support and solidarity. The devastating earthquake in Gansu province has elicited condolences from leaders worldwide. The international community stands ready to assist China in its recovery efforts, emphasizing the shared responsibility in times of humanitarian crises.

As rescue operations continue and the full extent of the tragedy unfolds, the world watches with collective concern, hoping for the swift recovery of the affected regions and the well-being of those grappling with the aftermath of this natural disaster.

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